Design Basics: Working with Shapes (Skillshare)

Design Basics: Working with Shapes (Skillshare)
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Design Basics: Working with Shapes (Skillshare)
Shapes are the building blocks of design. Seeing shape and understanding how to work with shapes are crucial skills in becoming a great designer. In this class we will start out by learning to recognize shapes in the design around us. Then we will complete a basic design task using shapes. Next we will learn how to create new shapes from basic shapes. Lastly we will complete a project by creating complex shapes.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The project for this course is to create a complex icon, logo, sticker, or other design using shapes. The requirements are:

- The design must use at least two shapes (more will likely be needed)

- At least one of those shapes must be a complex shape created using the boolean operations

Program suggestions for completing the project:

- Adobe Illustrator (PC, Mac)

- Affinity Designer (PC, Mac, iPadOS)

- Affinity Publisher (PC, Mac)

- Assembly (iOS, iPadOS)

- Inkscape (PC, Linux)

- Microsoft PowerPoint (PC, Mac)

- Vectornator (iOS, iPadOS, Mac)

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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