Effective Communication for Today's Leader (edX)

Effective Communication for Today's Leader (edX)
Course Auditing
Bachelor's Degree Level.

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Effective Communication for Today's Leader (edX)
Identify and develop the most important communication skills: assertiveness and empathy. Interpersonal communication is one of the most important management skills: everyday we relate with our bosses, collaborators, customers and colleagues. Being a good communicator is synonym to being a good leader.

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Interpersonal and group communication helps us to create better business environments, and therefore, to have better results.

This course is part of the Humanities & Soft Skills MicroMasters® Program.

What you'll learn

- Understand the importance of communication in people's lives and thus boost the improvement in our ability to effectively socialize.

- Identify the concept of communication to clarify its importance.

- Develop communication skills: assertiveness and empathy.

- Apply communication skills to performance feedback and achieve organizational objectives.


Topic 1. Human communication levels

1.1 Concept and communication levels

1.2 Communication skills

Topic 2. Assertive communication

2.1 Differences between aggressiveness, non- assertiveness, and assertiveness

2.2 A technique for planning our communication: the DESC Script

Topic 3. Empathetic listening

3.1 Listening levels: hearing, listening, and empathizing

3.2 The technique of empathetic listening: typical responses vs. empathetic responses

Topic 4. Performance feedback

4.1 Recognizing good and bad performance

4.2 The GROW Model: steps for conducting a feedback session

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Course Auditing
142.00 EUR
Bachelor's Degree Level.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.