Business Management

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La gestión de personas y equipos (Coursera)

En una ocurrente frase, Peter Drucker, pionero en el campo de la gestión empresarial, afirmó en una ocasión que las personas tienen una tendencia perversa a comportarse como seres humanos. Con ello quería señalar algo que es evidente: que las personas no somos máquinas y, por ello, no [...]

Leadership and Influence (Coursera)

The only thing you get to change is yourself, and in the prerequisites to this course we’ve given you real tools to do that. Now, use those tools to influence the course of your future, your team's future, and your organization's future. Make a plan for yourself that will [...]

Self Awareness and the Effective Leader (Coursera)

Part of being an effective leader is learning how to play to your strengths and overcome characteristics that don't lend to good leadership practices. During the course, you will examine your own strengths and learn ways to use them in a leadership role. Learn to manage stress and solve [...]

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity (Coursera)

You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization and commitment, and use the tools, methods and techniques that you have learned in goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to overcome time management challenges and enhance [...]

Introducción a las Finanzas (Coursera)

En este curso estudiaremos el objetivo principal de las finanzas, la importancia en la creación de valor y mantenerlo a través de un uso eficiente de los recursos financieros. Además, incluiremos algunas herramientas básicas que te permitirán crear un plan financiero con el que podrás establecer objetivos y metas [...]

Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project (Coursera)

May 11th 2024
Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the second course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will show you how to set a project up for success in the first phase of the project life cycle: the project initiation phase. In exploring the key components of this phase, you’ll learn how [...]

Fundamentos de Gerenciamento com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)

Este curso online gratuito é um dos 10 cursos disponíveis na coleção 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs, projetado para empreendedoras prontas para levar seus negócios para o próximo nível. Este curso foca no recurso mais crítico para o crescimento de sua empresa – seus funcionários. Entender sobre a gestão [...]

Modalidades organizacionales ágiles en base a la Metodología Scrum (Coursera)

En un mundo de fuerte competitividad global, como el que atravesamos hoy en día, con entornos tan complejos y cambiantes, de alta incertidumbre y volatilidad, con fuertes exigencias en adaptabilidad de sectores y mercados; los modelos de negocios predictivos tradicionalmente aplicados en el mundo empresarial con foco de expertise [...]

Challenges of Agribusiness Management (Coursera)

The goal of this course is to understand the challenges and opportunities of agribusiness nowadays. From farms to retailers, from input providers to traders, all the diverse players of this value chain interact a complex business environment in which nature, policy, technology and management strategies have to be considered [...]

Creating Innovation (Coursera)

The third course of the specialization CREATING INNOVATION will teach you what is at the core of all innovations that solve complex problems and how to foster methods to make big breakthroughs possible. It advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in [...]