Graphic Design

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Introducción al diseño de Mercadeo con Canva (Coursera)

Al final de este proyecto, usted creará dos anuncios de Redes Sociales: uno para Facebook, y uno para Instagram. Usted aprenderá a crear anuncios de medios sociales con Canva para su empresa. Podrá incorporar el esquema de colores de su empresa para crear un sentimiento de identificación y reconocimiento [...]

The Language of Design: Form and Meaning (Coursera)

In this course, critique is defined as a detailed, objective analysis of a work of graphic design and its effectiveness. Critique is an integral part of the making process for designers: it’s not just how we determine if a work of design is or is not successful, it’s how [...]

Graphic Design (Coursera)

Welcome to Graphic Design, the second course in the Effective Communications Specialization. Over 70 different companies have provided this specialization to their employees as a resource for internal professional development. Why? Because employers know that effective visual communication is the key to attracting an audience, building a relationship, and [...]

Ideas from the History of Graphic Design (Coursera)

This condensed survey course focuses on four key periods or themes from the history of design. Together we’ll trace the emergence of design as a recognized practice, why things look the way they do, and how designers approached specific design problems in their work.

Design and Make Infographics (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

In this project-centered course*, you will create a content-rich infographic on a topic of your choice using Adobe Illustrator (which you can download for a free, 30-day trial). You might choose to create a visual representation of data from the world of sports, entertainment, politics, or science, to explain [...]

Introduction to Imagemaking (Coursera)

This course for serious makers, and for students new to imagemaking. Imagemaking is a fluid and exciting area of graphic design that comes out of practice and process: experimenting fearlessly, showing and sharing ideas, and giving and receiving knowledgeable and constructive input.

Comercialice su nuevo negocio con Canva (Coursera)

Al final de este proyecto, usted habrá aprendido a comercializar y anunciar su nuevo negocio usando Canva. Usted creará un logotipo de la empresa, una tarjeta de presentación y un folleto usando Canva. Crearemos diseños desde cero y usaremos plantillas que modificaremos. Usted podrá incorporar un esquema [...]

Introducción a PicsArt para Redes Sociales (Coursera)

Consumidores hoy en día están constantemente saturados con información e imágenes en las redes sociales. Parte del social media marketing es aprender maneras creativas para atraer la atención a productos y servicios , con un presupuesto que muchas veces es magro.

Crear un Kit de Bienvenida para el Cliente con Canva (Coursera)

En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 1 hora de duración, aprenderás a crear un Kit de Bienvenida para Clientes en Canva 1, estructurar tus ideas para tu kit 2, disenar tus paginas segun tu estructura 3). preparar tus paginas digitales para imprimir.

Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will have the ability to develop and design a target market analysis graphic, a sales CRM workflow graphic, and a data chart graphic using Canva. A web-based graphic design tool, Canva offers free accounts with broad access to facilitate visual content development. [...]