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Salmon, People, and Place (edX)

This course explores the relationships between salmon and people with an emphasis on the special ties of salmon to Indigenous peoples and to Alaska Natives in particular. No wild animal has more profoundly influenced the cultures and well-being of societies in North America than salmon. Salmon and people have [...]

Exploring ​and ​Preparing ​your ​Data with BigQuery (Coursera)

This first course in this specialization is Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery. Here we will see what the common challenges faced by data analysts are and how to solve them with the big data tools on Google Cloud Platform. You’ll pick up some SQL along the way [...]

Gestión del análisis de datos (Coursera)

This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference, formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition, we will describe how to direct [...]

Building Resilient Streaming Systems on GCP em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Por meio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprenderão a criar pipelines de dados de streaming usando o Google Cloud Pub/Sub e o Dataflow [...]

Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Exam (Coursera)

From the course: "The best way to prepare for the exam is to be competent in the skills required of the job." This course uses a top-down approach to recognize knowledge and skills already known, and to surface information and skill areas for additional preparation. You can use this [...]

Performing Network, Path, and Text Analyses in SAS Visual Analytics (Coursera)

In this course, you learn about the data structure needed for network, path, and text analytics and how to create network analysis, path analysis, and text analytics in SAS Visual Analytics. What tou will learn: To describe the data structure needed for network analysis, path analysis, and text analytics; [...]

Introduction to Google Workspace Administration (Coursera)

In this course you will sign up for a Google Workspace account and configure your DNS records for Google Workspace. You will learn how to provision and manage your users, and will create groups and calendar resources for your organization. You will be introduced to your Cloud Directory and [...]

Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models (Coursera)

In Course 3 of the Natural Language Processing Specialization, offered by deeplearning.ai, you will: a) Train a neural network with GLoVe word embeddings to perform sentiment analysis of tweets, b) Generate synthetic Shakespeare text using a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) language model, c) Train a recurrent neural network to [...]

Lesson | Video Conferencing: Face to Face but Online Share (Coursera)

This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course. By the end of this lesson, you will [...]