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Introduction to Archaeology: Knowing The Past (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Introduction to Archaeology: Knowing The Past (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is an introduction to a series on the discipline of Archaeology. It is intended for learners at all stages, including advanced high school, college students, or life-long learners. Basic information about Archaeology and its history are presented in this course, while the following three courses cover scientific [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Magic in the Middle Ages (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Magic in the Middle Ages (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Magical thought has always attracted human imagination. In this course we will introduce you to the Middle Ages through a wide conception of magic. Students will have an approach to medieval culture, beliefs and practices from the perspective of History and History of Science. Popular magic, as well as [...]

Our Earth's Future (Coursera)

Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the multiple lines of [...]

The Living Amazon: Science, Cultures and Sustainability in Practice (edX)

Learn about the importance of the Amazon at local and global scales, the threats the region faces, and how sustainable development can help save its extraordinary biodiversity and peoples for current and future generations.

Découvrir l'anthropologie (edX)

Expérimentez un autre regard sur les sociétés humaines avec des chercheurs en anthropologie prospective. Comment les humains s’organisent-ils en sociétés ? Qu’appelle-t-on « familles » et comment se constituent-elles ? Quel regard et quels types d’analyse l’anthropologie propose-t-elle sur les systèmes de parenté, symboliques, politiques, religieux [...]

Osteoarchaeology: The Truth in Our Bones (Coursera)

This course is about what we can learn from examining the human skeleton, and how we can use this knowledge to reconstruct the lives of people who lived in the past. In archaeology and anthropology, human skeletal remains can provide unique insights into the past and the present; insights [...]

Anthropology of Current World Issues (edX)

Learn to use anthropological ideas to see the world from a range of perspectives and points of view. This course will allow you to better understand the world around you through utilising the anthropological lens. You will learn about the way in which anthropology as a discipline can shed [...]

An Anthropology of Smartphones: Communication, Ageing and Health (FutureLearn)

Oct 10th 2022
An Anthropology of Smartphones: Communication, Ageing and Health (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore how smartphones have affected our lives by using comparative anthropology as a method of research. Discover digital anthropology and the relationship between technology and ageing. This course will develop your understanding of the concept of digital anthropology as you explore how smartphones have transformed our daily lives and [...]

Anthropology: Understanding Societies and Cultures (FutureLearn)

Gain an introduction to anthropology: the study of societies and cultures. Learn how the discipline has changed over time. Learn more about society, cultural issues and practices. You are invited on a journey to different places and different times. On this course, you will learn about diverse ways of [...]

Why We Post: the Anthropology of Social Media (FutureLearn)

Discover the varying uses of social media around the world and its consequences for politics, relationships and everyday life. This free online course is based on the work of nine anthropologists who each spent 15 months in fieldsites in Brazil, Chile, industrial and rural China, England, India, Italy, Trinidad [...]