Bacterial Genomes

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Whole genome sequencing of bacterial genomes - tools and applications (Coursera)

This course will cover the topic of Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of bacterial genomes which is becoming more and more relevant for the medical sector. WGS technology and applications are high on international political agenda, as the classical methods are being replaced by WGS technology and [...]

Bacterial Bioinformatics (Coursera)

This course provides demonstrations and exercises for performing common genomics-based analysis tasks of bacterial sequence data. It uses PATRIC, the PathoSystems Resource Integration Center, as the platform for analysis. PATRIC is the NIH/NIAID-funded bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center, providing comprehensive bacterial genomic data with integrated analysis tools and [...]

Bacterial Genomes: Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens (FutureLearn)

What's antimicrobial resistance and how can we detect it? Explore the clinical relevance of AMR and the methods used to detect it. Explore the challenges of AMR and learn how experts work to address them. AMR is a public health emergency. Global projections predict the loss of nearly 10 [...]

Bacterial Genomes: Comparative Genomics using Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT) (FutureLearn)

Learn to use comparative genomics to improve your knowledge of microbial genomes. Gain experience in using the Artemis Comparison Tool for comparative genomics. Disease outbreaks are still a big problem in our modern world. Comparison between two or more bacterial genomes can help improve understanding of the causes of [...]

Bacterial Genomes II: Accessing and Analysing Microbial Genome Data Using Artemis (FutureLearn)

Learn more about how genomic data and computational tools can help us understand and track disease-causing bacteria. Use computational tools to investigate microbial genomes. Applying increasingly powerful computation to genomics contributes to important medical breakthroughs. On this course, you will discover the basic principles of microbial bioinformatics analysis, and [...]

Bacterial Genomes: From DNA to Protein Function Using Bioinformatics (FutureLearn)

Use bioinformatics to explore DNA sequences and protein functions, to find the determinants of virulence in microbes. Join us in our quest to discover what makes microbes dangerous. Use bioinformatics to probe genomes, to explore and represent DNA and protein sequences. Then, use databases to find protein sequences’ conserved [...]

Bacterial Genomes: Disease Outbreaks and Antimicrobial Resistance (FutureLearn)

Explore the genomes of bacteria and the use of genome sequencing to track harmful disease and AMR. The increase in resistance of harmful bacteria to antibiotics is a major global threat to health. Here we explore bacterial genomes and the use of genome sequencing to identify and track these [...]

Introduction to Genomic Data Science (edX)

Join us on the frontier of bioinformatics and learn how to look for hidden messages in DNA without ever needing to put on a lab coat. In the first half of this course, we'll investigate DNA replication, and ask the question, where in the genome does DNA replication begin? [...]