Brand Positioning

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Brand Management: Strategies for a Strong Brand (Coursera)

In a continuously changing business landscape, brands hold more significance than ever before. As consumers become increasingly discerning, and societal values continuously evolve, understanding the multifaceted roles of brands becomes imperative for driving meaningful market impact.

Marketing Estratégico (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Marketing Estratégico. Neste curso, você terá as principais noções sobre como conduzir o Marketing de uma organização de modo estratégico. A abordagem escolhida é aquela que enxerga as atividades mercadológicas como instrumentos fundamentais para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva e melhores relações com os [...]

Brand Management (edX)

Key brand management terminology and principles are demystified in this course. Do you want to learn the basics of brand management? Do you also want to build a strong brand? This is the course for you! This course takes you through key terminology such as brand identity, brand personality, [...]