Child Development

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Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Course 4 discusses four populations: families, poor families, people with disabilities, and people as they age. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy. What You Will Learn: formulate practice strategies to overcome the historic biases in social welfare programs; distinguish the values inherent in each social [...]

Understanding child development: from synaps to society (Coursera)

In this course, we dive into the topic of child development. You will learn that child development is complex and is influenced by a surprisingly rich number of factors at many different levels of organization. You will see that development can be studied in various domains and at various [...]

Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives (Coursera)

How do children overcome hazardous experiences to succeed in life? What can be done to protect young people at risk from trauma, war, disasters, and other adversities? Learn about the importance of fostering resilience in children at risk.

Intellectual Humility: Science (Coursera)

It’s clear that the world needs more intellectual humility. But how do we develop this virtue? And why do so many people still end up so arrogant? Do our own biases hold us back from becoming as intellectually humble as we could be—and are there some biases that actually [...]

Développement psychologique de l'enfant (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Développement psychologique de l'enfant (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Comment se développent les enfants? Quelles sont leurs compétences perceptives, affectives et sociales ? Quels sont leurs besoins ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles répond ce MOOC. Nous vous apporterons des informations claires, validées scientifiquement et accessibles, que vous soyez parents, grands-parents, étudiants, professionnels de la petite [...]

Identifying and Responding to Developmental Delay in Young Children (edX)

Self Paced
Identifying and Responding to Developmental Delay in Young Children (edX)
Free Course
This course will provide the knowledge and tools for the primary care clinician to identify children at risk for developmental delays, and to refer them for appropriate therapeutic and diagnostic services.

The Best Start in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development (edX)

Children are our future – so how do we give them the best beginning for a happy and healthy life? What does a successful early childhood care program look like? How has a child’s brain developed at the age of 3? How does nutrition impact the future well-being of a child into adulthood?

Essentials of child and adolescent psychiatry across the world (FUN)

May 2nd 2022
Essentials of child and adolescent psychiatry across the world (FUN)
Free Course
This MOOC, proposed by the IACAPAP (International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions), is intended for people who want to learn the most basic notions in child and adolescent psychiatry. The main disorders (depression, autism, attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder, etc.) are tackled, like more general [...]

Handling Children In A Healthcare Setting (edX)

Learn the fundamentals and skills required to manage children in a healthcare setting. The management of patients is an important soft-skill which every clinician must learn and be good at. This process is made more challenging when the patient is a child and communication has to also include the [...]

Developmental Psychology: A Journey of Growth Within Relationships (edX)

Nov 5th 2021
Developmental Psychology: A Journey of Growth Within Relationships (edX)
Course Auditing
To what extent are we truly aware of the decisive influence of our relationships with our parents in early childhood, upon the entire course of our adult lives? Here's an opportunity to 'open your eyes' to what every person should know. This developmental psychology course invites you to go [...]