Company Law

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Consolidando empresas: Estrutura jurídica e financeira (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Consolidando empresas: Estrutura jurídica e financeira (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Com a presença de profissionais nas áreas de direito, contabilidade e investimento, aprenda como oficializar a sua empresa. Entenda mais sobre como conseguir um CNPJ, como oficializar uma sociedade e as minúcias de capital SA, LTDA e EIRELI. Aprenda os diferentes tipos de contratação, regulamentação, como funcionam investimentos e [...]

Russian company law. Formation of legal entities. (Coursera)

The present course gives an overview of Bases of Russian company law. Formation of legal entitites. The course is directed to students of general educational institutions, Russian and foreign lawyers, heads of legal entities, financial directors, chief accountants, auditors, practicing in English, and to any person, interested in [...]

Russian company law. Company management (Coursera)

The present course gives an overview of Bases of Russian company law. Company management. The course is directed to students of general educational institutions, Russian and foreign lawyers, heads of legal entities, financial directors, chief accountants, auditors, practicing in English, and to any person, interested in the Russian Company [...]

Bankruptcy Law (Coursera)

The present course gives an overview of Bases of a company in a problematic period – bankruptcy. The course is directed to students of general educational institutions, Russian and foreign lawyers, heads of legal entities, financial directors, chief accountants, auditors, practicing in English, and to any person, interested in [...]