Data Analyst Career

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Identifying the Right Role for Yourself (Coursera)

Data science and artificial intelligence are exciting, growing fields with a lot to offer prospective job seekers. However, even with the massive growth in technology and positions, there are still many barriers to entry. This course explores today’s challenges and opportunities within data science and artificial intelligence, the varying [...]

Data Analyst Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)

This course is designed to prepare you to enter the job market as a data analyst. It provides guidance about the regular functions and tasks of data analysts and their place in the data ecosystem, as well as the opportunities of the profession and some options for career development. [...]

Introduction to Data Analytics (Coursera)

This course presents a gentle introduction into the concepts of data analysis, the role of a Data Analyst, and the tools that are used to perform daily functions. You will gain an understanding of the data ecosystem and the fundamentals of data analysis, such as data gathering or data [...]

Machine Learning Intermediate with Python (Dataquest)

Self Paced
Machine Learning Intermediate with Python (Dataquest)
Free Course
Develop the intermediate machine learning skills that will take your data analyst or data scientist career to the next level. You’ll learn the mechanisms of advanced machine learning techniques step by step. By the end, you’ll be able to build complex models to predict the future, measure their performance, [...]

Machine Learning Introduction with Python (Dataquest)

Self Paced
Machine Learning Introduction with Python (Dataquest)
Free Course
Get the foundational machine learning skills you need to grow your career as a data analyst or data scientist. You’ll learn how to extract, prepare, analyze and visualize data with Python — and how to build basic models. By the end, you’ll be able to make predictions using statistics [...]

Data Analyst in R (Dataquest)

Self Paced
Data Analyst in R (Dataquest)
Free Course
Equip yourself with the necessary R skills to land your first job as a data analyst — or take your career to the next level by adding this in-demand programming language. You’ll learn how to program with R to explore and extract data and create data visualizations. By the [...]

Devenez ingénieur.e en Data Science (FUN)

Feb 7th 2022
Devenez ingénieur.e en Data Science (FUN)
Free Course
Les Data Scientists d'un monde qui bouge. Ce MOOC présente un diplôme d'ingénieur en Data Science de CY Tech, une formation de cinq ans consacrée à la Data Science. Il débute par quatre années en anglais dans le Bachelor Data Science by Design, et se poursuit par une année [...]

Data Analytics Basics for Everyone (edX)

Self Paced
Data Analytics Basics for Everyone (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamentals of Data Analytics and gain an understanding of the data ecosystem, the process and lifecycle of data analytics, career opportunities, and the different learning paths you can take to be a Data Analyst. In this course, you will learn about the various components of a modern [...]