Data Science MicroMasters

Excel in Data Science, one of the hottest fields in tech today. Learn how to gain new insights from big data by asking the right questions, manipulating data sets and visualizing your findings in compelling ways.
In this MicroMasters program, you will develop a well-rounded understanding of the mathematical and computational tools that form the basis of data science and how to use those tools to make data-driven business recommendations.
This MicroMasters program encompasses two sides of data science learning: the mathematical and the applied.
Mathematical courses cover probability, statistics, and machine learning. The applied courses cover the use of specific toolkit and languages such as Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, pandas and Scipy, the Jupyter notebook environment and Apache Spark to delve into real world data.
You will learn how to collect, clean and analyse big data using popular open source software will allow you to perform large-scale data analysis and present your findings in a convincing, visual way. When combined with expertise in a particular type of business, it will make you a highly desirable employee.

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Machine Learning Fundamentals (edX)

Understand machine learning’s role in data-driven modeling, prediction, and decision-making. Do you want to build systems that learn from experience? Or exploit data to create simple predictive models of the world?

Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python (edX)

Using Python, learn statistical and probabilistic approaches to understand and gain insights from data. The job of a data scientist is to glean knowledge from complex and noisy datasets. Reasoning about uncertainty is inherent in the analysis of noisy data. Probability and Statistics provide the mathematical foundation for such [...]

Python for Data Science (edX)

Learn to use powerful, open-source, Python tools, including Pandas, Git and Matplotlib, to manipulate, analyze, and visualize complex datasets. In the information age, data is all around us. Within this data are answers to compelling questions across many societal domains (politics, business, science, etc.). But if you had access [...]

Big Data Analytics Using Spark (edX)

Learn how to analyze large datasets using Jupyter notebooks, MapReduce and Spark as a platform. In data science, data is called “big” if it cannot fit into the memory of a single standard laptop or workstation. The analysis of big datasets requires using a cluster of tens, hundreds or [...]