Defying Disruption: How to Become an Un-Disruptable Leader Specialization

Build sustainable strategies against disruption. Explore disruption and its drivers while practicing leadership skills to navigate and leverage disruption
What You Will Learn:
- Identify drivers of disruption in the current Big Shift era and diagnose how organizations are affected by these drivers.
- Explore key traits of un-disruptable leadership and how they can be cultivated and utilized by leaders to defend against and leverage disruption.
- Examine the purpose and components of a vision story and how it can be used to develop a sustainable organizational strategy.
- Recognize the economic, technological, and social forces that influence disruption.

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Demystifying Disruption: Essential Insights for Leaders (Coursera)

In this course, you explore what disruption is, what drives it, and how it affects organizations. An overview of the way disruption has changed over time is provided to illustrate the power and scope of disruption. Once you are able to diagnose disruption, you explore ways leaders can defend [...]

Navigating Disruption: Becoming an Un-Disruptable Leader (Coursera)

This course helps you cultivate leadership skills that will make you un-disruptable. You discover the five key traits of un-disruptable leaders—ambidexterity, a beginner’s mindset, disruptive jujitsu, end-user ethnography, and emotional fortitude—and analyze the way they apply these traits to lead their organizations through disruption.. You engage in exercises to [...]

Beyond Disruption: Why Your Vision Is Essential (Coursera)

In this course, you explore the important role vision plays in helping organizations survive and thrive through disruption. You analyze the purpose and three main components of a vision: raison d’être, strategic differentiation, and values. You learn what a vision framework is, examine its four organizational elements, and discover [...]