Digital Resources

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The Smithsonian Summer Sessions: Interrogating the Stories We Tell (edX)

Educators from six Smithsonian museums will dive deeply into the objects in their collections to interrogate the stories we know and tell our students. They will explore connections among their collections and model teaching strategies that participants can implement with their students.

D-TRANSFORM: University Strategies in the Digital Age (POK)

In the 21st century a new learning ecosystem of students, educators, and resources developed: discover with us how digital resources can be a catalyst for change in university strategies. With society, universities and labour market becoming more and more reliant on technology, it is important for higher education leaders [...]

Smart Learning Design (POK)

Smart Learning Design (POK)
Free Course
Un metodo visuale per la progettazione didattica in aula e online. Il MOOC si rivolge ai docenti dell'università e della scuola, ai formatori e ai decision maker delle istituzioni educative, con l'obiettivo di fornire strumenti logici e metodologici utili ad un’efficace integrazione e valorizzazione delle risorse e delle tecnologie [...]

Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (FutureLearn)

Jan 24th 2022
Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
A CPD course for apprenticeship providers looking to enhance their courses with digital technology for the modern workplace. Enhance apprentices’ experience with digital technology. Apprenticeships are changing. The UK Government has introduced new standards to ensure apprentices are receiving quality training. Discover how using digital technology can enrich your [...]