Digital Skills

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Competencias y recursos básicos para entornos digitales (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Competencias y recursos básicos para entornos digitales (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso está dirigido no solo a profesionales de los los medios de comunicación, sino también a cualquier persona interesada en manejarse con fluidez en el actual entrono digital. Aprenderás habilidades esenciales para utilizar herramientas, programas y aplicaciones de carácter audiovisual que te facilitarán hacer uso de las [...]

Competencias digitales. Herramientas de ofimática (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point) (Coursera)

Los continuos cambios tecnológicos, sobre todo en aquellos aspectos vinculados a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) hacen que las personas tengan la necesidad de actualizarse de forma continua para que sus conocimientos no queden obsoletos. En este contexto, para las empresas se convierte en algo [...]

Competencias digitales. Bases de datos: Access (Coursera)

Los continuos cambios tecnológicos, sobre todo en aquellos aspectos vinculados a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) hacen que las personas tengan la necesidad de actualizarse de forma continua para que sus conocimientos no queden obsoletos. En este contexto, para las empresas se convierte en algo [...]

Preparing for Higher Education (FutureLearn)

Oct 9th 2023
Preparing for Higher Education (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Bust myths, build confidence, and boost your digital skills with this introduction to the world of higher education. Taking your first steps in higher education can be daunting. The digital education experts at Arden University are on hand to prepare you for your learning journey.

Try It: Zoom Basics (edX)

Self Paced
Try It: Zoom Basics (edX)
Free Course
Having Zoom in your toolkit helps you interview professionally, collaborate more effectively, and feel confident in the digital skills necessary for today’s business world. Let's get started!

Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work (FutureLearn)

Jan 16th 2023
Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find your purpose and identify the career skills you need to upskill in your sector or to seek a new job online. Develop the digital skills employers are looking for in the 2020s. In this rapidly changing world, it’s important that you’re confident about working online and embracing technology [...]

Liderazgo en la Era Digital (edX)

La adopción de nuevas tecnologías disruptivas en un entorno de transformación digital en las empresas impulsa la necesidad de redefinir el liderazgo en las organizaciones, a la vez que resalta la necesidad de identificar al ser humano como eje rector en la innovación tecnológica.

Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence (FutureLearn)

Discover the ability of artificial intelligence to transform your everyday life and reshape the way you work. Identify the skills you will need to work with AI in the future. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in many businesses to improve the way employees work. On this course, you will [...]

Digital Skills: Mobile (FutureLearn)

Aug 15th 2022
Digital Skills: Mobile (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn about mobile design, development and creating mobile experiences, as well as bigger concepts related to mobile technology. Understand the importance of mobile in the digital world. In 2018, over half of global website traffic was generated through mobile phones. On this course, you will explore what mobile is, [...]

Digital Skills: User Experience (FutureLearn)

Learn about why user experience (UX) is important, the research and design basics, and the tools and testing techniques used in UX. User experience, known as UX, makes a huge difference to whether a digital product, or project, succeeds. On this course, you will learn what UX is and [...]