Geothermal Energy

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Energy, Environment, and Everyday Life (Coursera)

This course teaches you everything you need to know about energy, the environment, and at least a number of things in everyday life. It starts by talking about energy itself and where it comes from. This includes how much we have, who has it, who uses it, and what [...]

Renewable Energy Technology Fundamentals (Coursera)

Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing industries on the planet, with billions of dollars invested each year to meet international energy sustainability goals. This course will provide you with a solid foundation for understanding and deploying important renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar. In [...]

Introducción a la Geotermia (Coursera)

Este curso está enfocado en introducir a las técnicas de exploración en Geotermia a profesionistas (de todas las Ingenierías y Licenciaturas en Geociencias, Ambientalistas, Economistas y carreras afines) interesados en las energías limpias.

Energy-The Technology You Must Know in the 21st Century | 能源─21世紀你必須了解的科技! (edX)

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Energy-The Technology You Must Know in the 21st Century | 能源─21世紀你必須了解的科技! (edX)
Free Course
A comprehensive introduction to existing and emerging energy technologies and their applications. (Taught in Mandarin). Energy technology is a highly multidisciplinary subject, which extends from engineering (e.g. mechanical, chemical, civil, environmental and electrical) to economy and ecology.