Hand-Drawn Animation

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Make Your First Hand-Drawn Animation In TVPaint (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Make Your First Hand-Drawn Animation In TVPaint (Skillshare)
Free Course
TVPaint Animation allows you to make 2D traditional-like animations. If you wish to make animations which look like pencil on paper, then this class is for you! This class will show you how to start using the basic tools of TVPaint Animation 11 to get you started making simple hand-drawn animations.

Create a Hand-Drawn .GIF in Photoshop (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Create a Hand-Drawn .GIF in Photoshop (Skillshare)
Free Course
Want to spruce up your blog or website with cute, animated GIFs? Ever needed the perfect reaction GIF for that one meme you love? (We've all been there.) Take this class to learn how you can make one yourself! I'll take you through the entire process of animating hand-drawn [...]

Introduction to Hand-Drawn Animation With Animatic (Skillshare)

Learn how to get started creating animations by hand using the free Animatic app for iOS and Android devices in this free class. I'll get you up and running with Animatic and walk you through my entire process for animating by hand. We'll even touch on some basic animation [...]