Health Behavior

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Health Behavior Change: From Evidence to Action (Coursera)

Humans often fail to make rational decisions that affect their health. This course seeks to heighten understanding of the social and behavioral factors that contribute to health decisions and behaviors, with an ultimate goal of learning how to utilize these factors in improving public health efforts. [...]

Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health Programs (Coursera)

Health behavior lies at the core of any successful public health intervention. While we will examine the behavior of individual in depth in this course, we also recognize by way of the Ecological Model that individual behavior is encouraged or constrained by the behavior of families, social groups, communities, [...]

Population Health: Health & Health Behaviour (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Population Health: Health & Health Behaviour (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this introduction course on Health and Health Behaviour you will learn about the fundamentals of health psychology. What role does our behaviour, our cognitions and emotions, and our environment play in our health status?

Understanding Obesity (Coursera)

In this course, we’ll look at the facts and misconceptions around obesity and discuss key physiological and psychological concepts around the brain’s control of appetite and body weight. We’ll consider the biological and environmental pressures that make it easy to gain weight (and hard to lose it!). Most importantly, [...]

Understanding and Changing Health Behaviors (edX)

Mar 21st 2023
Understanding and Changing Health Behaviors (edX)
Course Auditing
Understand how health behaviours impact health, what drives them and how to change them for the better. Ever wondered what makes people eat unhealthily, not move enough or sleep insufficiently? Such behaviors impact health and wellbeing greatly. Despite this, many people do not engage in healthful behaviors. Understanding health [...]

Health behaviors: from individuals to larger contexts (edX)

Nov 2nd 2021
Health behaviors: from individuals to larger contexts (edX)
Course Auditing
Understand how health behaviours impact health, what drives them and how to change them for the better. Ever wondered what makes people eat unhealthily, not move enough or sleep insufficiently?Such behaviors impact health and wellbeing greatly. Despite this, many people do not engage in healthful behaviors. [...]