Icon Design

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Design Basics: Sketching for Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Design Basics: Sketching for Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
Sketching is a critical part of the design process. But many people skip sketching because they are intimidated by it or they think it will be faster not to do it. The truth is that you design better and faster when you sketch. Even if you are uncomfortable sketching [...]

Illustrate Your Day: An Intro to Symbol Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Illustrate Your Day: An Intro to Symbol Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
Symbols are incredibly powerful communication tools. They can communicate faster than words, in memorable and powerful ways, and in a universal way that transcends cultural and language barriers. They are the one language we all can understand. During this class you will learn how to create these amazing communication [...]

Icon Design Masterclass : Learn Icon Design Principles (Eduonix)

Design creative and colorful icons from scratch, from sketching and execution, in our Icon Design Beginners Course. We have become more visual creatures, where having bright colors and images help us interact more with a website. This is why tiny icons can play such a huge part when it [...]