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Natural Disaster Risk in Infrastructure Projects (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn about the challenges that countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face in the context of natural disasters and climate change, and their consequent impacts on infrastructure projects and socio-economic development.

Financing and Investing in Infrastructure (Coursera)

Learn how debt and equity can be used to finance infrastructure investments and how investors approach infrastructure investments. The course focuses on how private investors approach infrastructure projects from the standpoint of equity, debt, and hybrid instruments. The course concentrates on the practical aspects of project finance: the most [...]

Financing Infrastructure in African Cities (Coursera)

The world is urbanizing fast. In less than a century more than 1 billion people have been urbanized. That translates into the fact that more than half of the world’s population is already living in cities. Experts forecast that very soon Africa will become one of the most urbanized [...]

Análisis del riesgo de desastres y cambio climático en proyectos de infraestructura (edX)

Fortalece tus capacidades técnicas y toma decisiones, incorporando el análisis de riesgo de desastres naturales y resiliencia al cambio climático en el diseño de proyectos de infraestructura. El cambio climático es un hecho y afecta a muchos aspectos de nuestra vida. Cada vez las temperaturas son más extremas y [...]

Enabling infrastructure in Africa for the Next Production Revolution (POK)

Enabling infrastructure in Africa for the Next Production Revolution (POK)
Free Course
A short introduction to smart and integrated infrastructures as an asset for prosperity in Africa: energy, digital and mobility infrastructures - the lifeblood, nerve and skeleton of modern societies. The course is part of a series of Sprint MOOC addressing the Next production Revolution (NPR) paradigma, as new wave [...]

The Next Generation of Infrastructure (edX)

Explore the challenges and complexity of both global and local infrastructure (IT/Telecom, Energy, Water and Transportation) and how to make the best decisions to improve it. We increasingly depend on reliable and affordable supply of energy, water, transport, telecommunication and information services to improve livability and facilitate economic development. [...]

Urban Infrastructure Management (edX)

Learn the principles of managing urban infrastructure systems – the complex socio-technical systems that provide basic services to more than 50% of the world’s population. This course will teach you about the management and governance of infrastructures.

Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures (edX)

In the era of Smart Cities, learn the principles of urban infrastructure management and find ways to incorporate smart technologies into legacy infrastructures. Over the past few years, advancements in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly challenged the traditionally stable landscape of urban infrastructure services. The result [...]