Instructional Design

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How to Create an Online Course (Coursera)

Learn how to design and develop online learning materials. Digital education is expanding faster than ever before, and learning online has become an essential part of how we teach and learn. On this two-week course, you’ll learn how to create online learning materials that are open, accessible, and [...]

Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education (Coursera)

This course provides those involved in educating members of the health professions an asynchronous, interdisciplinary, and interactive way to obtain, expand, and improve their teaching skills. These skills can then be applied within their own professional context, with a variety of learners, extending across many [...]

Instructional Design Models (edX)

Explore traditional and current instructional design models as you develop your own outline of an online course. In today’s interconnected world, online education has exploded with engaging learning experiences infused with interactive digital tools, digital media, and collaborative projects designed to engage dispersed learners. These highly engaging and effective [...]

Basics of Adaptive Learning (FFHS)

One of the key trends in education is adaptive learning. This data-driven approach to teaching zooms in on the individual students and their personal needs providing adapted learning pathways, content and instruction. A 5-week course introducing personalised and adaptive technology-based learning. The course aims primarily to reach instructional designers, [...]

Fostering women's participation to STEM through MOOCs (POK)

This course aims to raise awareness about the importance of gender balance in the STEM field and illustrates a tool for the creation of gender-balanced MOOCs. Gender stereotypes and under-representation of women in STEM affect the way girls and young women perceive themselves, and it is one of the [...]

Smart Learning Design (POK)

Smart Learning Design (POK)
Free Course
Un metodo visuale per la progettazione didattica in aula e online. Il MOOC si rivolge ai docenti dell'università e della scuola, ai formatori e ai decision maker delle istituzioni educative, con l'obiettivo di fornire strumenti logici e metodologici utili ad un’efficace integrazione e valorizzazione delle risorse e delle tecnologie [...]

Instructional Design: Course Development (FutureLearn)

Gain essential skills to help you navigate the course development stage effectively as an instructional designer. Learn how to successfully guide subject matter experts. Course development is the crux of effective online learning and how you guide subject matter experts (SMEs) is a crucial part of your role as [...]

Instructional Design: Educational Media (FutureLearn)

Learn techniques to develop educational media that will enhance your learning materials and help students retain knowledge. Understand how to promote student engagement. Educational media is an essential and evolving element of online course design. The notion of “lectures,” as many have known them, is now under review as [...]

Instructional Design: Course Planning and Pedagogy (FutureLearn)

Unpack learning theories and methods of teaching to ensure you deliver effective results in the course planning stage. Set your course up for success using instructional design models and theories. Before any instructional designer can start developing a course, you need to ensure the course environment is set up [...]