Lagrangian Mechanics

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Analytical Mechanics for Spacecraft Dynamics (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Analytical Mechanics for Spacecraft Dynamics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is part 2 of the specialization Advanced Spacecraft Dynamics and Control. It assumes you have a strong foundation in spacecraft dynamics and control, including particle dynamics, rotating frame, rigid body kinematics and kinetics. The focus of the course is to understand key analytical mechanics methodologies to [...]

Mécanique Lagrangienne (Coursera)

Le formalisme de Lagrange permet une résolution efficace de problèmes complexes de mécanique. Il permet aussi d'apporter un éclairage plus fondamental sur les lois de conservation (théorème de Noether). A titre d'illustration de la méthode de Lagrange, on traitera le problème très important des oscillateurs harmoniques couplés, exprimé [...]

Lectures on Selected Topics in Classical and Fluid Mechanics (Coursera)

This course is devoted to selected problems of classical (theoretical) and fluid mechanics which are usually remain outside the standard course of mechanics. Despite the fact that the course is aimed at students with an understanding of the methods and approaches of classical and fluid mechanics, several lectures of [...]