Livestock Production

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Animals and Institutions (Coursera)

This course explores animals within the context of the functional relationships that sociologists call “institutions.” We first examine the use of animals in laboratory science. We then examine the controversial transformation of animals into “livestock” and "meat." We also explore the perspectives of people committed to rejecting the construction [...]

Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050 (Coursera)

The Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050 Course is based on a clear vision: imagine best practice farming for 2050, start to implement these strategies now, all the while making sure it will still be profitable. At UWA we're doing just that with the Future Farm [...]

Sistemas agrosilvopastoriles: una alternativa climáticamente inteligente para la ganadería (Coursera)

El mundo enfrenta hoy el titánico reto de alimentar a una población creciente en un contexto de cambio climático y con mayores presiones sobre los ecosistemas naturales. En particular, las proyecciones indican que el consumo de carne a nivel mundial se duplicará en los próximos 20 años por el [...]

Effective Livestock Production with Low Use of Antibiotics (FutureLearn)

Learn what antibiotic resistance is and how to prevent it while increasing productivity among your livestock. Understand disease prevention and antibiotic use in livestock production. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing problem worldwide and is a threat to the health of animals and humans. But there is still a [...]