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Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Coursera)

This course explores Jewish, Christian, and Muslim intercultural relations in Iberia from the Visigothic era (6th century CE) until the creation of Queen Isabel I and King Ferdinand II Catholic Spain (late 15th century). We evaluate the many identities of the peninsula known as Christian Hispania, Jewish Sefarad, and [...]

Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Perhaps no other relic of the European Middle Ages captures our imagination more than illuminated medieval manuscripts, or those documents decorated with images and colored pigments. Serving as windows unto a lost world of kings, ladies, faith, war, and culture, they communicate complex visual and textual narratives of Europe’s [...]

Burgos: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Burgos: Deciphering Secrets of Medieval Spain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This advanced course focuses on two primary goals: (1) appraising how Jews, Christians, and Muslims shaped the history of medieval Spain and (2) mastering the craft of Spanish paleography, the skill of identifying Spanish handwriting in the 11th- through 15th-century manuscripts. Through the lens of the medieval history of [...]

In the Margins of a Medieval Jewish Prayer Book: What Can Physical Manuscripts Tell Us about History? (edX)

Self Paced
In the Margins of a Medieval Jewish Prayer Book: What Can Physical Manuscripts Tell Us about History? (edX)
Course Auditing
This course is a case study of how a particular manuscript, a Jewish prayer book for high holidays, can provide historians with vital insights about Jewish communal life, the way a manuscript can help us map cultural change and continuity in the Middle Ages, and the history of the [...]

Changing Minds: Geographic Discoveries and New Worlds through the Eyes of a Renaissance Jewish Scholar (edX)

Self Paced
Changing Minds: Geographic Discoveries and New Worlds through the Eyes of a Renaissance Jewish Scholar (edX)
Course Auditing
This course will situate a manuscript in the context of the world from which it was produced so that we better understand both. The Italian Renaissance was a time of scientific discovery and artistic revolution, it was also a time of world exploration, religious ferment, and technological changes such [...]

The Tabernacle in Word & Image: An Italian Jewish Manuscript Revealed (edX)

Self Paced
The Tabernacle in Word & Image: An Italian Jewish Manuscript Revealed (edX)
Course Auditing
Alessandro Guetta (Paris) uses anItalian Hebrewcommentary on the biblical description of the ancient Israelite Tabernacle ( mishkan ), Tavnit ha-mishkan by Malkiel Ashkenazi,as a case studyinhowmanuscripts can be used by intellectual historians.

Del trazo caligráfico al método paleográfico: experimentando la materialidad de los manuscritos históricos (edX)

Práctica paleográfica y caligráfica en ciclos de escritura histórica y procesos materiales de creación del manuscrito, conservación e interpretación. El tiempo y el espacio son elementos vertebradores de toda la propuesta de contenidos en torno al mundo del manuscrito histórico. En esta ocasión, la identificación de procesos, la materialidad [...]

Caligrafía y paleografía: espacios históricos para su estudio y práctica (edX)

Aprende a leer e interpretar los manuscritos históricos mediante un novedoso enfoque integral que combina paleografía y caligrafía. Este nuevo curso de caligrafía y paleografía participa de los planteamientos de las humanidades digitales.

Scholarly Communication (Coursera)

Scholarly Communication is a concise but comprehensive course on how to write research papers in English. The course will help the candidates gain a better understanding of the rhetorical conventions of English and the common challenges the candidates may face as an academic writer. The course provides instruction, exercises, [...]