Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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Bayesian Inference with MCMC (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Bayesian Inference with MCMC (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The objective of this course is to introduce Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian modeling and inference, The attendees will start off by learning the the basics of Monte Carlo methods. This will be augmented by hands-on examples in Python that will be used to illustrate how [...]

Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations (Coursera)

In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and quantum) from basic computer programs that you will download, generalize, or write from scratch, discuss, and then hand in. Join in if you are curious (but not necessarily knowledgeable) about algorithms, and about the deep [...]

Advanced Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Now that you know the basics of Bayesian inference, dive deeper to explore its richness and flexibility more fully. Let’s take a closer look at modeling latent variables, Bayesian model averaging, generalised linear models, and MCMC methods. Advanced Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part two of the Bayesian [...]

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of Bayesian approach to data analysis, and practice answering real life questions using R. Basics of Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part one of the Bayesian Data Analysis in R professional certificate. Bayesian approach is becoming increasingly popular in all fields of data analysis, including [...]

Mathematical understanding of uncertainty (edX)

Self Paced
Mathematical understanding of uncertainty (edX)
Course Auditing
This lecture series discusses how the concept of probability can be used to handle, control, and exploit uncertainty in the real-world. It is an undergraduate-level lecture series on probability, but is entirely different from the usual courses on probability theory. The lectures cover the basics of probability theory including [...]