Matrix Factorization

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Matrix Factorization and Advanced Techniques (Coursera)

In this course you will learn a variety of matrix factorization and hybrid machine learning techniques for recommender systems. Starting with basic matrix factorization, you will understand both the intuition and the practical details of building recommender systems based on reducing the dimensionality of the user-product preference space. [...]

Unsupervised Algorithms in Machine Learning (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Unsupervised Algorithms in Machine Learning (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we will learn selected unsupervised learning methods for dimensionality reduction, clustering, finding latent features, and application cases such as recommender system with hands-on examples of product recommendation algorithms.

Recommender Systems: Behind the Screen (edX)

Sep 26th 2023
Recommender Systems: Behind the Screen (edX)
Course Auditing
How are items recommended when you’re browsing for movies, jobs or clothing online? Register here and you’ll discover the fundamental concepts and methods allowing the most relevant item suggestions to users from e-commerce to online advertisement. In this course, you will explore and learn the best methods and practices [...]

Machine Learning (edX)

This course is archived
Machine Learning (edX)
Course Auditing
Master the essentials of machine learning and algorithms to help improve learning from data without human intervention. Machine Learning is the basis for the most exciting careers in data analysis today. You’ll learn the models and methods and apply them to real world situations ranging from identifying trending news [...]