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Developing AI Policy (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Developing AI Policy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
AI tools are already changing how we work, and they will continue to do so for years. Over the next few years, we’re likely going to see AI used in ways we’ve never imagined and are not anticipating. This course will guide you as you lead your organization to [...]

Take Action: From Protest to Policy (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Take Action: From Protest to Policy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In Take Action, you will learn four strategies for transforming your activist work into policy change. First, we'll explore how to use the courts to mobilize constituents, raise awareness, gain information, and change the law. Second, we'll analyze the benefits of communicating your message across platforms and review a [...]

Security Governance & Compliance (Coursera)

Students are introduced to the field of cyber security with a focus on the domain of security & risk management. Topics include the fundamental concepts and goals of cybersecurity (the CIA triad), security governance design, the NIST cybersecurity framework, relevant laws and regulations, and the roles of policies, strategies, [...]

American Contract Law II (Coursera)

Contracts I & II provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. The course covers most of the key concepts found in a first year law school class. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law cases, integrating legal doctrines with policy discussions. The course [...]

Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Talking About (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Talking About (Coursera)
Free Course
The best available evidence shows that comprehensive background checks by themselves are insufficient at reducing gun violence, but strong bodies of research demonstrate that states with comprehensive background checks coupled with firearm purchaser licensing, or permit-to-purchase laws, have significantly fewer firearm-involved homicides, fatal mass shootings, and suicides. Additionally, public [...]

American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Discover what shapes how we talk about schools today by exploring the history of U.S. education reform. Engage with the main actors, key decisions, and major turning points in this history. See how social forces drive reform. Learn about how the critical tensions embedded in U.S. education policy and [...]

Chinese Politics Part 1 - China and Political Science (Coursera)

This course offers a conceptual framework for understanding China that highlights the intersection of politics and economics. It shows that rather than develop into a full blown market economy, state and party officials at all levels of the political system maintain significant influence in economic development. Such a “political” [...]

FinTech Law and Policy (Coursera)

Being a successful FinTech firm requires more than just great technology; it also requires an understanding of the laws and regulations applicable to your business. This course will provide you with that understanding. You will learn about the critical legal, regulatory, and policy issues associated with cryptocurrencies, initial coin [...]

Global Health Policy (Coursera)

In this course, learners will become familiar with principles and theories of global health problems, and major challenges and controversies in improving global population health as well as practical applications of quantitative methods to analyze and interpret issues and challenges for policy. Topics will include health and foreign policy, [...]

Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy (Coursera)

Environmental law may be the one institution standing between us and planetary exhaustion. It is also an institution that needs to be reconciled with human liberty and economic aspirations. This course considers these issues and provides a tour though existing legal regimes governing pollution, water law, endangered species, toxic [...]