Probability Distributions

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Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (edX)

Jun 26th 2024
Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the mathematical foundations essential for financial engineering and quantitative finance: linear algebra, optimization, probability, stochastic processes, statistics, and applied computational techniques in R. Modern finance is the science of decision making in an uncertain world, and its language is mathematics. As part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance, [...]

Statistics and Data Analysis with Excel, Part 1 (Coursera)

Designed for students with no prior statistics knowledge, this course will provide a foundation for further study in data science, data analytics, or machine learning. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, and discrete and continuous probability distributions. Assignments are conducted in Microsoft Excel (Windows or Mac versions). Designed to be [...]

Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma (Coursera)

Welcome to this course on Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma. In this course you will learn data analytics techniques that are typically useful within Lean Six Sigma improvement projects. At the end of this course you are able to analyse and interpret data gathered within such a project. [...]

Probabilistic Graphical Models 3: Learning (Coursera)

Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) are a rich framework for encoding probability distributions over complex domains: joint (multivariate) distributions over large numbers of random variables that interact with each other. These representations sit at the intersection of statistics and computer science, relying on concepts from probability theory, graph algorithms, machine [...]

Basic Statistics (Coursera)

Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics of statistics; not just how to calculate them, but also how to evaluate them. This course will also prepare you for the next course in the specialization - [...]

Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science (Coursera)

Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data science is a foundational online program created in by DeepLearning.AI and taught by Luis Serrano. This beginner-friendly program is where you’ll master the fundamental mathematics toolkit of machine learning.

Defining, Describing, and Visualizing Data (Coursera)

As leaders in your chosen field, you need to not only know how to ask the right questions but also answer them using data-based methods. Through this class, you will be able to get to the bottom of what you really want to know, describe the associated data related [...]

Simulation Models for Decision Making (Coursera)

This course is primarily aimed at third- and fourth-year undergraduate students or graduate students interested in learning simulation techniques to solve business problems. The course will introduce you to take everyday and complex business problems that have no one correct answer due to uncertainties that exist in business environments. [...]

Managing, Describing, and Analyzing Data (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the basics of understanding the data you have and why correctly classifying data is the first step to making correct decisions. You will describe data both graphically and numerically using descriptive statistics and R software. You will learn four probability distributions commonly used [...]

Statistical Analysis Fundamentals using Excel (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Statistical Analysis Fundamentals using Excel (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is aimed at familiarizing Data and Business professionals with the basic concepts of statistical analysis and methods used for data-driven decision-making. After completing this course, you will be able to apply descriptive and inferential analysis methods, use data visualization methods to communicate data, apply concepts of probability [...]