Quantum Machine Learning

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Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)

Mar 25th 2024
Applied Quantum Computing III: Algorithm and Software (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn domain-specific quantum algorithms and how to run them on present-day quantum hardware. This course is part III of the series of Quantum computing courses, which covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. The goal of part III is to discuss some of [...]

Quantum Machine Learning (with IBM Quantum Research) (openHPI)

Jan 11th 2023
Quantum Machine Learning (with IBM Quantum Research) (openHPI)
Free Course
Whether we stream our favorite series, develop new drugs or have us being chauffeured by a self-driving car -- machine learning is an essential part of our modern life, and of our future. But the growing amount of data and our increasing demands pose difficulties for today's classical computers. [...]

Quantum Machine Learning (edX)

No sessions available
Quantum Machine Learning (edX)
Course Auditing
Quantum computers are becoming available, which begs the question: what are we going to use them for? Machine learning is a good candidate. In this course we will introduce several quantum machine learning algorithms and implement them in Python.