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Russian History: from Lenin to Putin (Coursera)

In this course, Peter Kenez, Professor Emeritus at UC Santa Cruz, explains the events of modern Russian history and introduces its most significant actors—from Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin.

The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part I (Coursera)

This course will review the emergence of the modern Middle East from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of the First World War to the present. We will discuss the Ottoman legacy in the region and the Western imperial impact on the creation of the Arab [...]

Peterloo to the Pankhursts: Radicalism and Reform in the 19th Century (FutureLearn)

Discover the history of protest, parliament and citizens’ rights. Improve your understanding of important milestones in political history. 16th August 2019 marks the bicentenary of the Peterloo Massacre, a key milestone in the campaign to reform Parliament in the 19th century, and an important part of Britain’s democratic heritage [...]