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Building Your Leadership Skills (Coursera)

When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. You will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense. The “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top executives, enables better team [...]

Managing Responsibly: Practicing Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics (Coursera)

Managers are increasingly confronted with issues of sustainability, responsibility and ethics. Managing responsibly is an integrative approach to sustainability, responsibility and ethics, which allows you as a manager to deal competently with such challenges. This course will facilitate your learning process to engage in changing practices to make them [...]

Anticorrupción: Introducción a conceptos y perspectiva práctica (Coursera)

La corrupción es uno de los principales problemas en México. Los eventos de corrupción afectan de manera directa la calidad de vida de las personas, su desarrollo, el crecimiento económico y social del país, así como la confianza en el gobierno. El objetivo del curso es presentar los conceptos [...]

AI & Law (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
AI & Law (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This four-week course titled AI and Law explores the way in which the increasing use of artificially intelligent technologies (AI) affects the practice and administration of law defined in a broad sense. Subject matters discussed include the connection be between AI and Law in the context of legal responsibility, [...]

Responsible Innovators of Tomorrow (edX)

Self Paced
Responsible Innovators of Tomorrow (edX)
Course Auditing
The MOOC "Responsible Innovators of Tomorrow" is part of the ENHANCE Alliance, an alliance of technical universities in Europe, and teaches about responsible innovation with a focus on science and technology studies.

¿Cómo hacer uso responsable de la inteligencia artificial en el sector público? (edX)

Este MOOC aborda los conceptos, principios, desafíos y oportunidades del uso ético y responsable de la inteligencia artificial (IA) para el sector público. Presenta herramientas para garantizar estándares mínimos, así como para fortalecer la calidad de los datos y de los modelos de IA desde su diseño hasta su [...]