Sample Size Determination

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Clinical Trials Analysis, Monitoring, and Presentation (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Clinical Trials Analysis, Monitoring, and Presentation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you’ll learn more advanced operational skills that you and your team need to run a successful clinical trial. You’ll learn about the computation of sample size and how to develop a sample size calculation that’s suitable for your trial design and outcome measures.

Process Data from Dirty to Clean (Coursera)

Jan 8th 2024
Process Data from Dirty to Clean (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the fourth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills needed to apply to introductory-level data analyst jobs. In this course, you’ll continue to build your understanding of data analytics and the concepts and tools that data analysts use in [...]

Metodologia de Ciência de Dados (Coursera)

Apesar do recente aumento do poder da computação e do acesso a dados nas últimas décadas, nossa capacidade de usar os dados em um processo de decisão é frequentemente perdida ou não maximizada. Não temos uma compreensão sólida da pergunta que está sendo feita e como aplicar os dados [...]