Social Platforms

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Veiculação de anúncios com o Facebook (Coursera)

Este curso é uma preparação para você se tornar especialista no Gerenciador de Anúncios do Facebook. Aprenda a estruturar campanhas no Gerenciador de Anúncios, selecionando os objetivos do anúncio, o público-alvo, o orçamento e o posicionamento que atendam às suas metas específicas. Aprenda a criar e gerenciar anúncios no [...]

Advertising with Facebook (Coursera)

This course will establish you as an expert in Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to structure campaigns in Ads Manager by selecting ad objectives, target audience, budget, and placement that fit your unique goals. Learn to create and manage ads across Facebook and Instagram and evaluate and optimize the [...]

Social Media: How Media Got Social (edX)

Discover where social media came from, how it became integral to our everyday lives, and how that has changed the way we communicate. Social media and online communication dominate our daily lives in an unprecedented manner. Wireless connectivity, mobile devices and wearable technologies mean that social media is always [...]