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Recoger datos con SurveyMonkey (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Recoger datos con SurveyMonkey (Coursera)
Free Course
En este proyecto, vamos a explorar el proceso para crear una encuesta y las maneras en que SurveyMonkey simplifica el recogimiento de datos. Vamos a aprender cómo se organiza el programa y como funciona para que Usted se sienta cómodo y seguro de si mismo en crear su propia encuesta.

Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to-face (Coursera)

This course presents research conducted to increase our understanding of how data collection decisions affect survey errors. This is not a “how–to-do-it” course on data collection, but instead reviews the literature on survey design decisions and data quality in order to sensitize learners to how alternative survey designs might [...]

UX Research at Scale: Surveys, Analytics, Online Testing (Coursera)

This UX course will provide an overview of survey methodology from the perspective of UX research. UX surveys typically focus on uncovering user needs, connecting needs to user characteristics, and gaining insight into user attitudes towards systems they use. In this course, learners will learn the basics of UX [...]

Survey analysis to Gain Marketing Insights (Coursera)

How do consumers see your brand relative to your competitors? How should a new product be positioned when it’s launched? Which customer segments are most interested in our current offerings? For these questions and many others, surveys remain the tried and true method for gaining marketing insights. From one-off [...]

Framework for Data Collection and Analysis (Coursera)

This course will provide you with an overview over existing data products and a good understanding of the data collection landscape. With the help of various examples you will learn how to identify which data sources likely matches your research question, how to turn your research question into measurable [...]

Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys (Coursera)

This course will cover the basic elements of designing and evaluating questionnaires. We will review the process of responding to questions, challenges and options for asking questions about behavioral frequencies, practical techniques for evaluating questions, mode specific questionnaire characteristics, and review methods of standardized and conversational [...]

Household Surveys for Program Evaluation in LMICs (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Household Surveys for Program Evaluation in LMICs (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction to household surveys for program evaluation in low-and middle-income countries. The development of this course was supported by a grant from Government Affairs Canada (GAC) for the Real Accountability, Data Analysis for Results (RADAR) project.

Identifying Community Needs for Public Library Management (edX)

Learn how to conduct research, surveys, and interviews as well as how to analyze data to better assess the local needs and wants of a public library community. Public libraries are becoming dynamic hubs for learning, civic engagement, and community. This course will discuss strategies for gathering statistical and [...]

Méthodes de sondage et d'enquête (FUN)

En vous proposant une initiation rigoureuse aux principes de base de la méthodologie des sondages, ce MOOC vous aidera à vous forger un regard plus critique et avisé sur les statistiques qui inondent notre quotidien.

Designing Assessments to Measure Student Outcomes (FutureLearn)

Design assessment instruments that use rubrics and surveys to measure student outcomes. Join AACTE’s free online course. This free online course will help you to design assessment instruments to measure student outcomes. It focusses on rubrics and surveys. Each week will explore a different aspect of assessment, and mix [...]