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Sustainable Construction in a Circular Economy (Coursera)

This course takes a wide-lens view of the role of materials decisions in circular design and the promotion of a healthier world. You find out how to execute a healthier project. You learn why healthier materials matter to the entire project team and the importance of communication between teams. [...]

Material Chemistry and Sustainable Building (Coursera)

This course covers a wide range of concepts related to toxicology and the chemistry of healthier materials. You learn about toxic substances in the built environment, the impact of specific chemicals on human health, unsatisfactory substitutions, and barriers to change. Finally, you examine ways to remove chemicals of concern [...]

ODS y sostenibilidad: una mirada desde los colegios (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
ODS y sostenibilidad: una mirada desde los colegios (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso veremos cómo podemos generar cambios y transformaciones (a nivel individual, organizacional y social) para la sostenibilidad desde la educación formal y no-formal. Partiremos del concepto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) como un marco potente para generar reflexiones críticas, que nos lleven a generar [...]

Diseño de Proyectos de Desarrollo (Coursera)

¿Sabes cómo hacer para que tus proyectos logren los resultados esperados? Un diseño adecuado es el primer paso hacia un proyecto exitoso. Este curso te brindará los conocimientos y herramientas fundamentales para diseñar proyectos de desarrollo sostenibles, evaluables y que cumplan con los objetivos propuestos. [...]

The Sustainability Imperative (Coursera)

In this course, learners begin with a macro-level view of the current state of the world and touch upon topics such as climate change, plastic pollution, social inequity, and the economic systems that got us to where we are today. Learners investigate how such an economy cannot sustain itself [...]

ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The ESG Investing: Setting Standards & Conducting Analysis course provides students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products with some fundamental concepts to help better define what ESG is, including the rationale behind its inception, and how it has developed. Through the series of video, webinar, and reading modules [...]

Herramientas de la Economía Circular (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Herramientas de la Economía Circular (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La Economía Circular representa una perspectiva de mejoramiento continuo para la transformación de sistemas de producción y consumo sostenibles. Aprender de sus herramientas, agrega un valor agregado concreto, a las competencias de profesionales interesados en la sostenibilidad ambiental y social. El presente curso ofrece aprender de la importancia de [...]

Climate Change, Sustainability, and Global Public Health (Coursera)

The third course of the Impacts of the Environment on Global Public Health specialization will introduce you to two major environmental health challenges facing the world today. The first is climate change –the preeminent threat to public health today, and a threat that will impact every human and ecosystem [...]

Fashion Systems (Coursera)

The fashion business has grown from the storied Parisian houses of the early 20th century into a global phenomenon. It is highly complex, multi-faceted, and undergoing reinvention. In this course, you will learn about long-standing factors that impact the existing fashion system such as consumption, inclusion, and labor. You’ll [...]

Predictive Modeling and Transforming Clinical Practice (Coursera)

This course teaches you the fundamentals of transforming clinical practice using predictive models. This course examines specific challenges and methods of clinical implementation, that clinical data scientists must be aware of when developing their predictive models.