User-Centered Design

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Fashion Systems (Coursera)

The fashion business has grown from the storied Parisian houses of the early 20th century into a global phenomenon. It is highly complex, multi-faceted, and undergoing reinvention. In this course, you will learn about long-standing factors that impact the existing fashion system such as consumption, inclusion, and labor. You’ll [...]

Design Thinking for the Greater Good: Innovation in the Social Sector (Coursera)

Do you work for a nonprofit or in the social sector? Are you struggling to solve the problems and meet the needs of the people you serve? Come learn more about how design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem solving, can help you truly understand an issue, generate ideas [...]

Engaging in Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Engaging in Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
You will explore the challenges and processes for harnessing technological innovation for new-business development, with special focus on digital healthcare transformation. You will gain an understanding of enterprise growth and innovation topics through readings, cases, and exercises, including learning how firms from different industries gain competitive advantage through distinctive [...]

Introduction to Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Introduction to Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is best suited for individuals currently in the healthcare sector, as a provider, payer, or administrator. Individuals pursuing a career change to the healthcare sector may also be interested in this course. The course explores the challenges and processes for harnessing technological innovation for new-business development, with [...]

Fundamentals of Data Visualization (Coursera)

Data is everywhere. Charts, graphs, and other types of information visualizations help people to make sense of this data. This course explores the design, development, and evaluation of such information visualizations. By combining aspects of design, computer graphics, HCI, and data science, you will gain hands-on experience with creating [...]

Design Thinking for Data Professionals (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Human-Centered Design (HCD) principles and practices. Participants will analyze cognitive and emotional factors influencing decision-making, apply HCD principles in product development, and develop skills in effective user research. They will learn to generate ideas using brainstorming techniques and create prototypes for user [...]

Introduction to Content Design (FutureLearn)

Apr 10th 2023
Introduction to Content Design (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover the fundamentals of content design. Learn about user-centred content that's easy for everyone to understand and access. Learn how to apply user-centred design methods to enhance your digital content. On this course, you’ll get to grips with the main concepts of effective user-centred content design. You’ll develop your [...]

Co-creation for policymakers: an introductory course (POK)

How could we create better policies that are more relevant to the needs of citizens and society? This course will explore the concept and application of co-creation and design methodologies in the context of policy design.

UX Design for Mobile Developers (Udacity)

Self Paced
UX Design for Mobile Developers (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn to Design a 5-Star Android App. This course is optimized for the developer who is looking to efficiently learn the most important design techniques that will help them make better apps (with a focus on mobile/Android). This is a UX design course built for current (and aspiring) mobile [...]

Le design UX (edX)

Devenez maître dans l’art du Design Thinking et de l'idéation centrée sur l'utilisateur! Vous apprendrez les méthodes d'idéation divergentes; passer en mode créatif de résolution de problèmes, et les méthodes d'idéation convergentes; innover au sein de votre contexte d’affaires.