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Introduction to Creative Thinking: Tools for Success (Coursera)

Creativity concerns the development of new ideas. Throughout human history, the application of ideas has led to transformations of our daily lives and society. Modern business activity thrives on recently developed ideas, and it is through creativity that we address both challenges and opportunities. In this module, we will [...]

Innovative Teaching with ChatGPT (Coursera)

Despite what you may have heard, ChatGPT offers exciting possibilities for supporting innovative teaching and personalized education. This course provides practical techniques that any educator, from K-12 to higher education, can use to help support their teaching. No experience with ChatGPT, prompt engineering, or Generative AI is [...]

Teamwork and Creativity (Coursera)

In this course, you will enhance your ability and opportunity to work creatively within any organization, learn to understand the importance and role of teamwork within the organization, and develop skills that differentiate yourself as a team player. The professional business skills related to teamwork and creativity gained through [...]

Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever tried to find a solution to a problem only to realize you’ve been focusing on the wrong problem from the very beginning? Or you’ve proposed a solution only to have it shut down by your boss or coworkers? How stressful and defeating is that? With massive [...]

Be Your Best Creative Self (Coursera)

Welcome to Be Your Best Creative Self, the second course in the Personal Development for Professional Success Specialization. This course is for creative professionals who want to work more efficiently and at higher levels of both job satisfaction and success. As students work through this course, they will: [...]

Design Thinking for Data Professionals (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Human-Centered Design (HCD) principles and practices. Participants will analyze cognitive and emotional factors influencing decision-making, apply HCD principles in product development, and develop skills in effective user research. They will learn to generate ideas using brainstorming techniques and create prototypes for user [...]

Empathy, Data, and Risk (Coursera)

Risk Management and Innovation develops your ability to conduct empathy-driven and data-driven analysis in the domain of risk management. This course introduces empathy as a professional competency. It explains the psychological processes that inhibit empathy-building and the processes that determine how organizational stakeholders respond to [...]

Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success (Coursera)

In today’s ever-growing and changing world, being able to think creatively and innovatively are essential skills. It can sometimes be challenging to step back and reflect in an environment which is fast paced or when you are required to assimilate large amounts of information. Making sense of or communicating [...]

Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)

Mar 5th 2024
Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to design, develop and test an iOS app in preparation for the App Store. In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app.

Generating Vision: Long-Term Big Ideas That Motivate Employees and Stakeholders (edX)

The “why movement” linked to crafting purpose and mission statements is now being supplanted by the emerging “where movement.” This movement goes beyond brainstorming towards declaring the “big ideas” that will inspire stakeholders. “Where are we going?” as an organization is the primal question posed by employees that CEOs [...]