System Administration

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Administrasi Sistem dan Layanan Infrastruktur TI (Coursera)

Materi ini akan membantu Anda beralih dari hanya mengerjakan satu komputer menjadi menangani seluruh armada komputer. Administrasi sistem adalah bidang TI yang bertanggung jawab atas pemeliharaan sistem komputer yang andal di lingkungan multi-pengguna. Pada materi ini, Anda akan belajar tentang layanan infrastruktur yang membuat semua organisasi, baik besar maupun [...]

Administración de sistemas y servicios de infraestructura de TI (Coursera)

Este curso te hará pasar de trabajar en una sola computadora a una flota completa. La administración de sistemas es el campo de TI que es responsable de mantener sistemas informáticos confiables en un entorno multiusuario. En este curso, aprenderás sobre los servicios de infraestructura que mantienen en funcionamiento [...]

Serviços de infraestruturas e administração de sistemas (Coursera)

Este curso vai fazer a transição do trabalho num único computador para uma frota inteira. A administração de sistemas é o campo das TI responsável por manter sistemas de computadores fiáveis num ambiente multiutilizador. Neste curso, vai saber mais sobre os serviços de infraestruturas que mantêm todas as entidades, [...]

Basic System Programming on IBM Z (Coursera)

The foundational knowledge for the position of an IBM z/OS System Programmer and System Administrator begins with this third and final course in the three course professional certificate track. This course provides hands-on labs to everyday z/OS tasks with JCL, JES, ISHELL and HFS, and z/OSMF. Topics covered include [...]

Administração de Sistemas e Serviços de Infraestrutura de TI (Coursera)

Este curso guiará você do manuseio de um único computador para uma frota inteira. A administração de sistemas é a área da TI responsável pela manutenção de sistemas de computador confiáveis em um ambiente multiusuário. Neste curso, você verá os serviços de infraestrutura que mantém todas as organizações, grandes [...]

Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels (Coursera)

Getting Started with the IBM Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels is a mostly hands-on in an IBM Mainframe z/OS Environment. A total of seven labs will provide live access to an IBM Z server. The labs are designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and [...]

Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration (Coursera)

This course gives you the background needed to understand the key cybersecurity compliance and industry standards. This knowledge will be important for you to learn no matter what cybersecurity role you would like to acquire or have within an organization. You will learn the basic commands for user [...]

System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services (Coursera)

This course will transition you from working on a single computer to an entire fleet. Systems administration is the field of IT that’s responsible for maintaining reliable computers systems in a multi-user environment. In this course, you’ll learn about the infrastructure services that keep all organizations, big and small, [...]

Cybersecurity Compliance and System Administration (edX)

Self Paced
Cybersecurity Compliance and System Administration (edX)
Course Auditing
Build the background needed to understand key cybersecurity compliance and industry standards. The knowledge gained in this course is critical for any cybersecurity role you would like to acquire or grow into within an organization. You will also learn about how to secure your systems through an understanding of [...]

Introduction to SAP HANA Administration (openSAP)

Self Paced
Introduction to SAP HANA Administration (openSAP)
Free Course
This free online course is a necessity for all SAP HANA Administrators to make their lives simple! This course has been created for all SAP HANA administrators: database, system, or basis admins. You’ll learn about all the tasks required to manage SAP HANA systems. The course will focus on [...]