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Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Need to Know (Coursera)

Knowledge regarding vocal production physiology and management options for voice disorders have experienced rapid growth over the past 40 years. This growth has resulted in a knowledge gap amongst patients and practitioners. Entirely new subspecialties of laryngology under otolaryngology and vocology under speech-language pathology have developed in response [...]

Finding Your Professional Voice: Confidence & Impact (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Finding Your Professional Voice: Confidence & Impact (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Individuals have a great capacity for vocal expression but most people haven’t had the opportunity to explore and develop it. By the end of this course learners will have gained knowledge of how the voice works, had a chance to experiment with different ways of speaking, and increased their [...]

Presentation skills: Effective Presentation Delivery (Coursera)

Mumbling, stumbling, worrying, trembling, sweating and fearing are the outcomes of the low delivery skills. In this course, we are not going to teach you how to replicate the best bits and traits of the acknowledged speakers. Dumb replication of someone’s successful behavior may help you only to the [...]

Les bases de l'acoustique : la voix dans tous ses états (FUN)

Nov 8th 2021
Les bases de l'acoustique : la voix dans tous ses états (FUN)
Free Course
L'acoustique est omniprésente dans notre vie quotidienne et fait l’objet d’une attention croissante. Vous avez envie d'en découvrir les bases de façon innovante et amusante et peut-être de relever un défi ? Créé par Le Mans Université, dans le cadre de Le Mans Acoustique, le MOOC "Les bases de [...]

VOXPLORATION BASICS: Your Voice is Your Instrument (Skillshare)

Self Paced
VOXPLORATION BASICS: Your Voice is Your Instrument (Skillshare)
Free Course
Award-winning composer, pianist, and vocalist Clarice Assad takes her workshop VOXPLORATION online for the first time, in a series of video lessons exploring the human voice as an instrument capable of reproducing a multitude of sounds, colors, rhythms, and moods. Participants use the voice and the body as an [...]

Latino: forme e circolazione nella pars Orientis dell’Impero (Federica Web Learning)

Se per l’Occidente mancano testimonianze che non siano quelle indirette di trattazioni specifiche come l’Institutio oratoria di Quintiliano, l’Oriente ha restituito una serie di testimoni diretti delle forme dell’insegnamento del latino,tra I a.C. e VI d.C.: favorita fondamentalmente dall’occupazione militare e dai bisogni dell’amministrazione per tutta la prima età [...]

Elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (Federica Web Learning)

II corso si prefigge di offrire una panoramica sulle tecnologie di trattamento automatico del linguaggio sia scritto che parlato con particolare attenzione alle tecnologie per il dialogo uomo-macchina.