Waste Reduction

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Fixing Healthcare Delivery 2.0: Advanced Lean (Coursera)

Lean or Toyota Production System (TPS) is responsible for revolutionizing the auto industry by creating highly reliable and safe cars and trucks. In this course healthcare providers, administrators, engineers, and healthcare professional students will be taught how to apply the principles and tools of Lean to health care. [...]

Del desperdicio al valor: cómo abordar el desperdicio de alimentos (FutureLearn)

Jan 3rd 2022
Del desperdicio al valor: cómo abordar el desperdicio de alimentos (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Descubra las causas y el impacto del desperdicio de alimentos y aprenda cómo abordarlo a nivel personal, comunitario y nacional. Conozca cómo la lucha contra el desperdicio y la pérdida de alimentos puede ayud. La importante contribución del sistema alimentario al cambio climático está ampliamente reconocida y los consumidores [...]

Zero Waste Lifestyle (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Zero Waste Lifestyle (Skillshare)
Free Course
In this class, you will learn how to reduce your waste. I will cover what the Zero Waste movement is all about, as well as the 5 principles at the core of the movement: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot. I will also touch upon Zero Waste perfection & privilege.