Association of International Certified Professional Accountants - AICPA

We are the most influential body of professional accountants in the world. Our mission is to drive a dynamic accounting profession ready to meet the demands of a constantly changing, disruptive world. We serve 667,000 CPAs, CGMA designation holders and students in 184 countries and territories — providing the tools, resources and intelligence they need to clarify complexity, anticipate risk and create opportunity. We are their voice, protecting the public interest and powering trust, opportunity and prosperity worldwide.

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Making the Case for Robotic Process Automation (Coursera)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is reshaping the accounting and finance profession. 40% of transactional accounting work is expected to be automated by 2020 and predicted to touch 230 million knowledge workers, 9% of the global workforce, according to McKinsey Research. Driven by the need to stay competitive, decrease costs and [...]

Innovation Demystified: Tools for Finance Professionals (Coursera)

Introducing the tools, methods and mindset that will enable contributions to any organizations’ innovation agenda, this course illustrates practical techniques specific to driving innovation. You will learn how and why leading, measuring, and executing innovation takes tools, methods and mindset different from those used to operate an established business. [...]