New York University Tandon School of Engineering

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Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance (Coursera)

In the last course of our specialization, Overview of Advanced Methods of Reinforcement Learning in Finance, we will take a deeper look into topics discussed in our third course, Reinforcement Learning in Finance.

Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology (Coursera)

This course gives you access to an exploration of physiological systems from the perspective of overall health and wellness. In particular, a focus on yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapeutic intervention in chronic illness and long term treatment. This course is intended for yoga practitioners and teachers, as [...]

Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance (Coursera)

The course aims at helping students to be able to solve practical ML-amenable problems that they may encounter in real life that include: (1) understanding where the problem one faces lands on a general landscape of available ML methods, (2) understanding which particular ML approach(es) would be most appropriate [...]