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Getting There and Going Beyond (Coursera)

Welcome to Course 2 - Getting There and Going Beyond. If you are here, you have successfully completed Course 1 (Our Place in the Cosmos) and are ready for more. There is so much more to learn in Course 2 with 40 learning objectives spread out over [...]

Digitalisation in Aeronautics (Coursera)

The instructors of the online course "Digitalisation in Aeronautics" present a spectrum of different aviation research and application areas, exploring the impact of digitalisation in this specific field, including the effects of digitalisation in simulating the interaction of aircraft components, in overall aircraft development and related decision-making and in [...]

Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering (edX)

Discover the fascinating world of aviation by investigating aeronautics, with a closer look at aerodynamics and flight mechanics. This course provides an overview of and introduction to the fundamentals of aeronautics, using the history of aviation as a story line.