Competitive Analysis

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Fundamentos de Clientes e Concorrência com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Fundamentos de Clientes e Concorrência com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)
Free Course
Este curso online gratuito é um dos 10 cursos disponíveis na coleção 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs, projetado para empreendedoras prontas para levar seus negócios para o próximo nível. Neste curso, você examinará o processo de compra de seus clientes e irá explorar os benefícios da segmentação de mercado. [...]

Developing Innovative Ideas for Product Leaders (Coursera)

For product leaders, creating new new products and improving existing products are imperatives for success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios are requiring companies to discover, develop, and deliver products that customers love. This course is focused on the first step of this journey, identifying and evaluating new product [...]

Website Optimization Client Report Project (Coursera)

SEO is a dynamic and growing career field that demands knowledge and skills in a variety of website optimization strategies and tactics in order to be successful. This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in SEO including the different elements comprising a website optimization client [...]

Business Intelligence and Competitive Analysis (Coursera)

By the end of 2019, it is clear that American Airlines (AAL), the world’s largest airline group, is in trouble. With the growth rate of its stock price ranked at the bottom of all major US airlines and going in the opposite direction from the SP500 index, AAL needs [...]

Intro to Strategic Management for Healthcare Organizations (Coursera)

This course is best suited for individuals currently in the healthcare sector, as a provider, payer, or administrator. Individuals pursuing a career change to the healthcare sector may also be interested in this course. In this course, you will have an opportunity to explore general business strategy concepts as [...]

Strategic Management (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Strategic Management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Participants will gain insights into competitive analysis, strategic decision-making, and sustainable business practices, preparing them to navigate complex business environments and contribute strategically to organizational success. The curriculum combines theoretical frameworks with practical case studies to foster a deep understanding of strategic concepts and their practical [...]