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Originalité et modernité du mutualisme (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Originalité et modernité du mutualisme (Coursera)
Free Course
Bienvenue dans ce MOOC qui a été conçu pour vous accompagner dans l’exploration de l’originalité et de la modernité des mutuelles ! Que vous soyez salarié ou élu d’une mutuelle, que vous envisagiez de travailler dans ce secteur ou que vous soyez un sociétaire impliqué soucieux de comprendre ce [...]

The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction on types of the construction projects as well as the main concern of the productivity challenge in the construction industry. Through case studies, you will learn the industry characteristics and its unique environment that led to such productivity performance as well as touch base [...]

African development – from the past to the present (Coursera)

African development – from the past to the present -- offers a unique economic history perspective on Africa's development. Over a period of five weeks, the course covers a logical account of historical events and decisions that have shaped the current political-economical landscape of Sub-Saharan Africa - from the [...]

Mathematics for economists (Coursera)

This course is an important part of the undergraduate stage in education for future economists. It's also useful for graduate students who would like to gain knowledge and skills in an important part of math. It gives students skills for implementation of the mathematical knowledge and expertise to the [...]

Economic Foundations of Pricing (edX)

No sessions available
Economic Foundations of Pricing (edX)
Course Auditing
This course starts with the basic understanding of classical theory of pricing. It then progresses towards understanding and analysing cost-based pricing heuristics, demand curve analysis, and competition based pricing.

Indigeneity as a Global Concept (FutureLearn)

Learn about the contemporary social, cultural, economic and political situations of indigenous peoples. Explore the global economic and political situations of indigenous peoples. This fascinating three-week course will explore the contemporary social, cultural, economic and political situations of indigenous peoples all across the [...]

Manage Your Prices: an Introduction to Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
 Manage Your Prices: an Introduction to Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn to use pricing strategies to increase your firm’s revenue, and set the right price for the right person at the right time. How do airlines, hotels, resorts and other organisations manage their prices? Why are these prices apparently unrelated to costs and different for each consumer? And what [...]

Economic Democracy: The Cooperative Alternative (edX)

Could a cooperative market economy, in which firms are owned and controlled by their workers, be a viable and efficient alternative to capitalism? Most Western societies are proud of being political democracies, but democracy rarely operates within the firm. Democratic governments, in principle, can be criticised freely and are [...]

Money, Banking, And Financial Markets (

Legacy Course
Money, Banking, And Financial Markets (
Free Course
This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the importance of money, banking, and financial markets of a developed economy. Money, financial institutions, and financial markets have emerged as instruments of payments for the services of factors of production, such as labor and capital. [...]

Math for Economists (

Legacy Course
Math for Economists (
Free Course
Math for Economists will help you assemble a toolkit of skills and techniques to solve fundamental problems in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. The material covers both precalculus and calculus concepts and should help you identify the best approach to solving problems.