Innovative Business

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Solving Complex Problems Capstone (Coursera)

From the very start of the specialization, your assignments will be geared toward tackling a complex issue of your choice that you face in your career path, industry, or field. Each phase of the course builds up to a briefing paper that analyzes, evaluates, and attempts to solve a [...]

The Growth Mindset (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
The Growth Mindset (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you interested in expanding your career, and want to be a more creative and innovative employee who embraces problems and challenges, and thrives in those circumstances? This course will help you determine if you have a fixed mindset or growth mindset, the triggers to watch for when falling [...]

The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction on types of the construction projects as well as the main concern of the productivity challenge in the construction industry. Through case studies, you will learn the industry characteristics and its unique environment that led to such productivity performance as well as touch base [...]

Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC, crée en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de vous aider à mieux appréhender la dynamique des partenariats entre entreprises et associations. Que vous soyez une entreprise responsable, soucieuse d’avoir un impact positif sur votre communauté, une association désireuse d’augmenter votre impact, ou si vous êtes [...]

Customer-Centric Innovation (edX)

Self Paced
Customer-Centric Innovation (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn to take on competition by creating successful and innovative ideas for your business through a thorough understanding of your customers’ needs. Addressing the needs of your customers is the core factor of managing innovation successfully. Exactly this is the task of the first stages of an innovation project. [...]

Platform Thinking: what’s beyond Uber? (POK)

Learn how to think through platforms, they are changing our behaviours as users…but can change our mind as innovators. Over the last two decades, platforms have transformed the way, we search for information (e.g., Google), buy goods (e.g., Amazon), consume news and media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) and travel [...]

Innovation: From Plan to Product (edX)

Learn how to build an innovative business model using the most effective tools, including forecasting, prototyping, financial modeling and customer discovery. Business models are regarded as a form of innovation and not merely just a vehicle for commercialization. In this course, students will learn about multiple business model innovation [...]

Emprendimiento tecnológico (edX)

Sumérgete en el emprendimiento tecnológico y aprende a emprender en los mercados dominados por el avance tecnológico. Conoce el proceso, desde la identificación de la oportunidad a la planificación de un modelo de negocio tecnológico con éxito.

Estrategias digitales y experiencias innovadoras para el turismo (edX)

Aprender a diseñar servicios y experiencias a través de modelos de negocio innovadores comprendiendo los nuevos hábitos de consumo de los usuarios a partir de la nueva normalidad en la industria del turismo. A través de herramientas y metodologías (value proposition canvas, service design, customer experience, customer journey map, [...]

Aspects juridiques de la création d'entreprises innovantes (FUN)

No sessions Available
Aspects juridiques de la création d'entreprises innovantes (FUN)
Free Course
Six semaines pour acquérir et maîtriser les connaissances juridiques de base relatives à la création d’entreprises innovantes.