Social Innovation

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Becoming a changemaker: Introduction to Social Innovation (Coursera)

This free 6 week course is for anyone who wants to make a difference. Whether you are already familiar with the field of social innovation or social entrepreneurship, working for an organization that wants to increase its social impact, or just starting out, this course will take you on [...]

Ciudades en crisis y nuevas políticas urbanas (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Ciudades en crisis y nuevas políticas urbanas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Las ciudades se han convertido en un foco de interés preferente para el análisis de políticas públicas. Con una concentración de personas cada vez mayor viviendo en contextos urbanos, las ciudades son hoy el escenario de un apasionante cambio de época que afecta la esfera social, política, económica y [...]

Innovation publique et pensée design, l'innovation sociale au service des territoires (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Innovation publique et pensée design, l'innovation sociale au service des territoires (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Les collectivités territoriales et les services de l'Etat sont confrontés à de multiples enjeux : crise des finances publiques, augmentation des dépenses sociales, défiance croissante des administrés, concurrence des solutions proposées par des communautés numériques très agiles. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que des solutions existent pour faire mieux avec [...]

L'impact investing : innover (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
L'impact investing : innover (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Quelles sont les grandes innovations récentes et à venir en matière de financement des entreprises sociales, des entreprises qui veulent changer le monde ? Comment stimuler et accélérer l’innovation sociale, comment permettre et favoriser le changement d’échelle de l’impact investing qui reste encore très, trop marginal ? [...]

Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC, crée en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de vous aider à mieux appréhender la dynamique des partenariats entre entreprises et associations. Que vous soyez une entreprise responsable, soucieuse d’avoir un impact positif sur votre communauté, une association désireuse d’augmenter votre impact, ou si vous êtes [...]

Social Business Model and Planning for Social Innovation (Coursera)

In this course we will take the social business opportunity that you have identified in the first course to a higher level. Specifically, you will develop a business model using the Business Model Canvas. Gradually you will also start writing your business plan. Moreover, you will be able to [...]

Disciplined Approach to Social Entrepreneurship (edX)

Self Paced
Disciplined Approach to Social Entrepreneurship (edX)
Course Auditing
Social entrepreneurs transform societies across the world. Further your passion for social change by gaining the relevant knowledge and tools to build a strong, sustainable business entity committed to social innovation. This course will benefit individuals who are passionate about social justice and creating social impact with a view [...]

Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits (FutureLearn)

Take a look at the world of social entrepreneurship and familiarize yourself with new concepts and methods of entrepreneurship. Learn about economic tools to become a successful social entrepreneur. Nonprofit organizations operate globally in many areas. They address societal issues in fields like health, culture and arts, environment, education [...]

Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation and Ethics (edX)

An introduction to the topic of sustainability from three perspectives: corporate sustainability, business ethics and social innovation. Sustainability is one of the key issues facing today’s society. This is underlined by the increasing attention on sustainability issues by governments, media, academics and [...]

Interdisciplinary Innovations for Population Ageing (edX)

Population ageing is a global phenomenon profoundly affecting the well-being of communities. Social sciences, design, and engineering each offer unique, insightful innovations for older adults. However, creative, practical innovations are more likely to be achieved through interdisciplinary innovations. We will explore the process of incubating innovation in these disciplines [...]