Marketing Research

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Fundamentos de Vendas e Marketing com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)

Este curso online gratuito é um dos 10 cursos disponíveis na coleção 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs, projetado para empreendedoras prontas para levar seus negócios para o próximo nível. Este curso lhe ajudará a desenvolver sua estratégia de marketing e construir sua marca à medida que sua empresa [...]

Foundations of Marketing Practice for Non-Majors (Coursera)

This course is an introductory survey of marketing terminology, concepts and practices from an applied perspective. Emphasis is on the activities performed by marketing managers to address real world marketing problems. Primary emphasis is on the identification of marketing opportunities and the planning and execution of marketing mix activities [...]

Introduction to Social Media Analytics (Coursera)

Social media not only provides marketers with a means of communicating with their customers, but also a way to better understand their customers. Viewing consumers’ social media activity as the “voice of the consumer,” this session exposes learners to the analytic methods that can be used to convert social [...]

App Marketing (Udacity)

Self Paced
App Marketing (Udacity)
Free Course
Your First 1,000 Users & Beyond. Without customers, your business does not exist. Marketing helps you understand your potential user and focus your product on their needs. This course will help you organize a strategy of identifying your perfect user, find ways to connect with them and what you’ll [...]

Quantitative Marketing Research (edX)

Learn how to design a quantitative market research project, and implement specific methods, interpret data and come up with marketing decisions. Marketing research is crucial to marketing managers, as it helps answer crucial marketing questions using data. In this course, we introduce quantitative marketing research techniques in conjunction with [...]