Social Justice

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Assessing Cultural Climate (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Assessing Cultural Climate (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Assessment is an integral part of any strategic effort. This course provides a familiarization of assessment practices and provides learners with various traditional and nontraditional methods of measurement to assist in making informed improvements to their DE&I initiatives. You will also expand your knowledge in creating bias-free and [...]

Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion at Work TeachOut (Coursera)

The summer of 2020 has brought issues of equity and race to the forefront of society. How do we create tolerant and just climates at work? Changing the culture of an organization is challenging in the best of circumstances; today, it can seem impossible. Yet, it is more necessary [...]

Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how social workers in the United States engage in creating change and supporting the resilience of individuals, families and communities in this new era. Learners will have an opportunity to explore the social work profession, the different roles of social workers in a [...]

Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore questions such as: Who is represented in your workplace, and who is not? Who doesn’t feel heard, and why not? Are we treating one another equitably? What history has led us here? What has brought all of these issues to the forefront of [...]

'Their' World and How You Define It (Coursera)

Thriving organizations strive for equity at all levels. Dynamic global DEI initiatives strengthen connectivity within individual teams and foster cross-cultural collaboration and mutual understanding while encouraging the inclusion of employees from all regions. Broader global relations aside, there also exist country-specific ethnic dynamics that make DEI a critical conversation. [...]

Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction to gentrification and to the cultural impacts of housing displacement for people in cities and neighbourhoods across the world. Gentrification is a term which has been used to describe the process by which wealthier people move into an area leading to the [...]

Designing and Building Institutional Anti-Racist Spaces (Coursera)

Designing and Building Institutional Antiracist Spaces (D-BIAS) is a course whose mission is to teach and apply tenets of equity, anti-racism, and cultural justice to students from Institutions to achieve social change. The course is aimed at educators and administrators in educational spaces, lawyers and advocates in spaces that [...]

Love as a Force for Social Justice (Coursera)

This course will explore the concept of agape love (compassion/kindness) as a force for social justice and action and as the inspiration for service and the application of knowledge to positive social change. Biological, psychological, religious, and social perspectives of love will be discussed, drawing on the expertise of [...]

Feminism and Social Justice (Coursera)

"Feminism and Social Justice" is an adaptation of Distinguished Professor Bettina Aptheker's long-running course at UC Santa Cruz. In the course, Professor Aptheker presents a broad definition of feminism that serves to frame three significant events in the history of feminism and social justice: the Empire Zinc strike of [...]

Global Health Program Equity and Quality: Plan and Manage (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Global Health Program Equity and Quality: Plan and Manage (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Discover the inner workings of how to plan and manage a global health initiative. Identify the logistical details of an effective global health program. Discuss the best practices for human resources management in disease control programs.