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Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El curso es accesible para todos los aficionados al fútbol ya sean del nivel de un principiante como el de un profesional dado que describe de una manera clara y sencilla cómo se originó el fútbol en Inglaterra en el Siglo XIV y el modo en que se fueron [...]

Sport for Sustainable Development: Designing Effective Policies and Programmes (FutureLearn)

Explore the ways in which sports can actively contribute to the advancements of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn how to make a positive impact through sport. Sport has been recognised as an enabler of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by governments globally. Organisations worldwide are using sport to contribute [...]

Sport and Exercise for Brain Health (FutureLearn)

Expand your knowledge of the benefits of lifelong physical activity for maintaining brain health and reducing disease risk. Explore the benefits of sport and exercise for building good brain health. Preventing poor brain health and dementia is an increasingly important public health issue, and has received more and more [...]

Exploring Everyday Chemistry (FutureLearn)

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Exploring Everyday Chemistry (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the organic chemistry behind perfume, medicine, brewing and sport from one of the UK's leading universities. This free online course explores a range of chemistry-based topics relating to our everyday lives, with an emphasis on the important role of organic chemistry – the study of carbon-containing organic [...]

Youth Football Coaching: Developing Creative Players (FutureLearn)

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 Youth Football Coaching: Developing Creative Players (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how to develop creative youth football players with this free online course from the University of Birmingham and the FA.
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Course Auditing
49.00 GBP